Monday, November 18, 2013

How to Change Internet Explorer ESC (Enhanced Security Configuration) in Server 2012

Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (ESC) is an annoying but important feature. Browsing the Internet from a server is typically not a good idea. Best practice is to use a client machine instead of subjecting the server to the possible security risk that the Internet represents. The next best thing is to block all Internet traffic on the server and explicitly allow trusted sites through ESC.

Best practices and next best practices are great, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Turning off ESC is not recommended, but if you have to disable it, here's how.

Open Server Manger by clicking on the Server Manager icon on the task bar

In the column on the left click Local Server

In the Properties for the server pane (right hand pane) click on the link (On) next to IE Enhanced Security Configuration

Select the option you wish in the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration properties box and click OK.

Back in Server Manager the link next to IE Enhanced Security is no set to Off and your server is less secure... enjoy.

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